Cockroaches...people are disgusted of them, hate them and kill them painfully to be dead slow agonizing death by those synthetic poisons. No one cares even when they are looking at their slow agonizing death.
This blog is especially for them.
Cockroach is an animal. We are all animals. All animals are the same. Cockroach is not a "low-life" animal but a life just like every life. They have their own circle of living and their own needs. They are unfortunate that they are in this human world where they live on humans' garbage and waste. But we should treat them fairly.
There is an easy way I can think of to prevent cockroaches from infesting in your house:
Keep your houses clean and keep your kitchen clean. Don't leave food scraps overnight in your kitchen and in garbage bins.
15 June 2016
For your phones
I saw this below story before. It's about coltan (a mineral) extraction for mobile phones that cause wars, rape and humans and wild nonhumans massacre.
Not only about this coltan story, telephone poles cause birds to loose their navigation, sweatshops and conditions of workers in phone factories, e-waste.
And of course, to save money for necessary and good things, instead of updating your phone all the time.
While reading this and looking at these pictures, it made me scream in my throat.

Not only about this coltan story, telephone poles cause birds to loose their navigation, sweatshops and conditions of workers in phone factories, e-waste.
And of course, to save money for necessary and good things, instead of updating your phone all the time.
While reading this and looking at these pictures, it made me scream in my throat.

1,222,245,200,000 คือ
ยอดขายโทรศัพท์มือถือในปี 2551
จากสถิติ ของ Worldwatch Institute ระบุว่า
ระยะเวลาเฉลี่ยในการใช้โทรศัพท์มือถือ 1 เครื่อง
ในปัจจุบันอยู่ที่ประมาณ 14 เดือน ก่อนจะเปลี่ยนเครื่องใหม่
ทั้งๆ ที่มือถือยุคใหม่ไม่ได้ทำอะไรออกมาสนองความต้องการมากนัก
ในกลุ่มผู้ใช้มือถือที่เห็นเป็นเพียงอุปกรณ์เสริมความมั่นใจ ระยะเวลาในการใช้งานอาจน้อยไปกว่านั้นด้วยซ้ำ เพราะเปลี่ยนเครื่องใหม่ทุกครั้งเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าอยู่ในเทรนด์
และได้ของที่ฉลาดสุดๆ อยู่ในมือ
กากลาง แน่นอนว่า...ในคองโก

ในบรรดาประเทศทั้ง 8 ที่ติดหล่มสงคราม และกองกำลังติดอาวุธกว่า 20 กลุ่ม
ที่ประเมินว่ามีแร่โคลแทนมากถึง 80% ของปริมาณโคลแทนในโลก

การโลกกลายเป็นดิจิตัล ทำให้ถนนทุกสายมุ่งไปที่ผืนดินคองโก
กองกำลังประชาธิปไตยปลดปล่อยรวันดาหรือ FDLR ที่มีชาวฮูตูเป็นแกนนำ
แม้จะต้องเสี่ยงจากการถูกปราบปรามจากรัฐบาลคองโก แต่ FDLR และอีกหลายกลุ่ม
เพราะแทนทาลัมเพียง 1 ปอนด์ทำเงินร่วมหมื่นบาท
แทนทาลัม 1 ปอนด์ เป็นได้ทั้งตัวเก็บประจุในโทรศัพท์มือถือเครื่องใหม่
และสามารถแปลงเป็น ปืนไรเฟิลรุ่น AK-47 พร้อมกระสุนให้กับกองกำลังติดอาวุธ
แรงงานที่ถูกบังคับให้ทำเยี่ยงทาส ก็คือเด็กๆ ชาวคองโก
ซึ่งองค์การสหประชาชาติรายงานว่า ในบางพื้นที่ของคองโก ในเด็ก 100 คนจะมี 30 คน ที่ต้องใช้เวลาทั้งวัน
เงินค่าจ้างไม่ถึง 35 บาท ต่อการหาโคลแทนให้ได้ 1 ปอนด์

บริษัทระดับโลกอย่าง Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, Acer, Compaq
ออกมาปฎิเสธเสียงแข็งว่า โคลแทนที่ใช้ในการผลิตของตน
ไม่ได้มาจากคองโก แต่มีซัพพลายเออร์ที่เชื่อถือได้หามาให้
แทนทาลัมในมือถือที่พกติดตัวจนกลายเป็นอวัยวะที่ 33 นั้น มาจากคองโกหรือเปล่า
การตรวจสอบเส้นทางของแทนทาลัมนั้น ต่อให้ใช้วิธีตามไปดูถึงที่แบบกบนอกกะลา
โคลแทนได้ถูกลักลอบเอาออกนอกคองโก เข้าสู่ตลาดมืด
และขายทอดต่อไปเรื่อยอีกอย่างน้อย 10 ทอด
กว่าจะไปถึงผู้จัดหารายใหญ่ ที่บริษัทใหญ่ๆ เลือกเป็นคู่ค้า
มีความพยายามทุกวิถีทาง เพื่อให้ได้วัตถุดิบมารองรับความต้องการการซื้อมือถือในตลาดโลก
ยังส่งผลร้ายต่อสัตว์ป่าด้วย สัตว์ป่าน้อยใหญ่ กอริล่า และช้างป่านับพัน

เพราะในพื้นที่ขุดหาโคลแทนนั้น คือ บ้านของกอริลล่าภูเขา
สัตว์ร่วมวงษ์กับมนุษย์ ที่แสนจะขี้อาย สุภาพ
คนทำเหมืองยังล่าพวกมันเอาหัว บางทีก็ชำแหละนำเนื้อมากินด้วย

สวนสัตว์ในแอฟริกาหลายแห่ง รณรงค์การรีไซเคิลมือถือ
ของอุปกรณ์ที่เป็น “มากกว่าใช้พูด” แต่ส่วนใหญ่” ก็ใช้แค่พูด”เท่านั้น
ในทวีปแอฟริกาเอง พิษภัยจากมือถือคุกคามชีวิตและทรัพยากรของตนเอง
แต่อัตราการใช้มือถือก็เพิ่มขึ้น 1000%
เช่นเดียวกับจำนวนคนบริสุทธิ์ที่่ล้มตายลง ในสงครามกลางเมืองคองโก
ประมาณการว่านับแต่ปี 2547 ซึ่งเป็นปียุติสงครามอย่างเป็นทางการ
ยังมีผู้เสียชีวิตจากความรุนแรงรูปแบบต่างๆถึงเดือนละ 45,000 คน หรือปีละ 540,000 คน
ตัวเลขนี้ยังไม่รวมถึงผู้หญิงหลายหมื่นที่ถูกทารุณทางเพศโดยกลุ่มติดอาวุธต่างๆ พวกเธอยังไม่ตาย

1,222,245,200,000 กับ 540,000อาจมีหน่วยนับต่างกัน
ถ้าความอินเทรนด์ของคุณ นำมาซึ่งตัวเลขที่มีหน่วยศพเพิ่มมากขึ้น
คุณยังอยากเปลี่ยนมือถือทัชสกรีนมาใช้เล่นอีกสักเครื่องไหม !?!
จากคอลัมภ์ "ไม่ซื้อ..ไม่ตาย" นิตยสาร ค คน
จากสถิติ ของ Worldwatch Institute ระบุว่า
ในปัจจุบันอยู่ที่ประมาณ 14 เดือน ก่อนจะเปลี่ยนเครื่องใหม่
ทั้งๆ ที่มือถือยุคใหม่ไม่ได้
และได้ของที่ฉลาดสุดๆ อยู่ในมือ

ในประวัติศาสตร์แอฟริกาคือ โคลัมไบต์-แทนทาไลต์
หรือแร่โคลแทนที่พบมากในแอฟริในประวัติศาสตร์แอฟริกาคือ โคลัมไบต์-แทนทาไลต์
คุณสมบัติทนความร้อนสูง ทำให้ผงแทนทาลัมที่สกัดได้จากโคลแทน
กลายเป็นวัตถุดิบจำเป็นในมือถือ คอมพิวเตอร์ เพลย์สเตชั่น ฯลฯ
จึงทำให้โคลแทนกลายเป็นของมีค่าเปรียบเสมือน "Black Gold" ทองสีดำ
การลักลอบทำเหมือง และส่งออกโคลแทน
กลายเป็นแหล่งหารายได้ ที่เติมเชื้อไฟให้กับ สงครามคองโกครั้งที่ 2 หรือ "สงครามโลกแอฟริกา"
ทำให้แร่สีดำชนิดนี้ กลายเป็นโคลทานสีเลือด Blood Coltan
จึงทำให้โคลแทนกลายเป็นของมีค่าเปรียบเสมือน "Black Gold" ทองสีดำ
การลักลอบทำเหมือง และส่
กลายเป็นแหล่งหารายได้ ที่เติ

ในบรรดาประเทศทั้ง 8 ที่ติดหล่

การโลกกลายเป็นดิจิตัล ทำให้ถนนทุกสายมุ่งไปที่ผืนดิ
กองกำลังประชาธิปไตยปลดปล่อยรวันดาหรือ FDLR ที่มีชาวฮูตูเป็นแกนนำ
เพราะแทนทาลัมเพียง 1 ปอนด์
แทนทาลัม 1 ปอนด์ เป็นได้ทั้งตัวเก็บประจุในโทรศั
และสามารถแปลงเป็น ปืนไรเฟิลรุ่น AK-47 พร้อมกระสุ
เงินค่าจ้างไม่ถึง 35 บาท ต่อการหาโคลแทนให้ได้ 1 ปอนด์

บริษัทระดับโลกอย่าง Nokia,
ออกมาปฎิเสธเสียงแข็งว่า โคลแทนที่ใช้ในการผลิตของตน
ไม่ได้มาจากคองโก แต่มีซัพพลายเออร์ที่เชื่อถื
กว่าจะไปถึงผู้จัดหารายใหญ่ ที่บริษัทใหญ่ๆ เลือกเป็นคู่ค้า
มีความพยายามทุกวิถีทาง เพื่อให้ได้วัตถุดิบมารองรับความต้องการการซื้อมื
ยังส่งผลร้ายต่อสัตว์ป่าด้วย สัตว์ป่าน้อยใหญ่ กอริล่า และช้างป่านับพัน

เพราะในพื้นที่ขุดหาโคลแทนนั้น คือ บ้านของกอริลล่าภูเขา
สัตว์ร่วมวงษ์กับมนุษย์ ที่แสนจะขี้อาย สุภาพ
คนทำเหมืองยังล่าพวกมันเอาหัว บางทีก็ชำแหละนำเนื้อมากินด้วย

สวนสัตว์ในแอฟริกาหลายแห่ง รณรงค์การรีไซเคิลมือถือ
ของอุปกรณ์ที่เป็น “มากกว่าใช้
ในทวีปแอฟริกาเอง พิษภัยจากมือถือคุกคามชีวิ
ประมาณการว่านับแต่ปี 2547 ซึ่งเป็นปียุติ

1,222,245,200,000 กับ 540,000
ถ้าความอินเทรนด์ของคุณ นำมาซึ่งตัวเลขที่มีหน่วยศพเพิ่
จากคอลัมภ์ "ไม่ซื้อ..ไม่ตาย" นิตยสาร ค คน
They hurt you because they are jealous and want to be like you but cannot. They hurt you because they don't understand you because their life is not in the same realm with your life. They hurt you because what you did extremely disturbed they selfish self. But that does not mean you are hurt, it's them that should be hurt because they hurt others, and subconciously, though not conciously, they deeply and strongly suffer. When you are not ill-intentioned, but only act well and compassionately and sincerely, you can never be hurt, ever.
03 August 2015
Memoir from walking in the park today
We walk and jog in the park so that we can go back home and do more mischiefs. We never relate to nature naturally. We think of natural places as places to relax and breathe in fresh air. We never are in nature just to feel the joyfulness of nature. The wind and gentle sunlight caressing the leaves. Then we go back and relate to the nerve-disturbing TV noise and picture. We relate to nature and artificial environment as boring and stimulating, respectively. We are artificial beings.
nature walk,
true value of nature,
walking in park,
10 April 2015
"Choose life" (that has already been born)
I saw a t-shirt a woman was wearing on the street. It says "Choose life". For most people in all societies their brains have been conditioned in thinking along the same pattern of thought.
Choosing life is a great thing when it means caring for all lives that already exist. Life needs good nourishments and love. Choosing life is a bad thing if it means we favor procreating a new human life. I now may start to sound arrogant but real arrogance is procreating a new life. Overpopulation is one of the main causes of many problems, along with over-consumption. 200 species are extinct per day because there are no lands enough for them. Forest lands have been being clearcut for agriculture and neighborhoods, which in turn create health and environmental problems for humans. Orphans need loving homes too, so if we crave for motherhood, we can adopt. Bringing more people into living in this filthy environment and full of ambitious activities your child needs to keep up with is selfish.
Some people call childfree people selfish but in fact many childfree people are thinkers and spiritualists; they rationalize enough about the states of the world and they have enough love for all lives.
Caring for all lives that already exist certainly brings about true happiness. There are so many humans and nonhumans in need of love from us. Adding more humans into the earth only further the problems. There is no one good aspect derived from it.
Choosing life is a great thing when it means caring for all lives that already exist. Life needs good nourishments and love. Choosing life is a bad thing if it means we favor procreating a new human life. I now may start to sound arrogant but real arrogance is procreating a new life. Overpopulation is one of the main causes of many problems, along with over-consumption. 200 species are extinct per day because there are no lands enough for them. Forest lands have been being clearcut for agriculture and neighborhoods, which in turn create health and environmental problems for humans. Orphans need loving homes too, so if we crave for motherhood, we can adopt. Bringing more people into living in this filthy environment and full of ambitious activities your child needs to keep up with is selfish.
Some people call childfree people selfish but in fact many childfree people are thinkers and spiritualists; they rationalize enough about the states of the world and they have enough love for all lives.
Caring for all lives that already exist certainly brings about true happiness. There are so many humans and nonhumans in need of love from us. Adding more humans into the earth only further the problems. There is no one good aspect derived from it.
06 October 2014
I've tried so many times to quit caffeine and this time I'm succeeding, and I'm sure I won't go back to it again, like some past times when I quit so many days and wasted them by going back. Caffeine stimulates your psyche. You cannot have peace if you take it. You body functions normally when you don't take any stimulant, and you can feel blissful in that state.
You have more patience, you are calmer, you see things differently when you are at peace with them, and you have great motivation to do daily tasks, while if you take it, you are motivated to do things in some time and feel utterly lazy at other times; when you are away from it completely, you can feel lively and alive ALL THE TIME, while if you have it, your heart beats fast and you feel "lively" during some hours, and then when you have it less or don't take it, you feel painfully sluggish. Also you have ability to deal with negative energy from things and people more.
Put in your body what's good and your mind will be clear, atop of refraining from taking full-of-choresteral-saturated-fat-hormones-bad-energy food. Yeah, I've believed lately that meat can cause spiritual downsides.
Caffeine asserts you the withdrawal symptoms when you suddenly stop taking it: I've had it quite many times: sluggishness, wanting to sleep all day, migraine - This indicates that caffeine is a drug. Any drug is bad for you, spiritually and physically, because you feel "good" for a some time, then when you don't have it, you are not happy, and want more of it. If you feel sleepy during the day, sleep and let your body rest, instead of stimulating yourself, but even you don't sleep, you still feel good! Try it and you will feel very happy.
Hunger for the taste of coffee and caffeinated tea? Think that other healthy drinks are just as tasty and think that the horrible negativities can't be accuses to have it anymore. Remind yourself that you are choosing peace or choosing to live in the world of pain for body and mind.
You have more patience, you are calmer, you see things differently when you are at peace with them, and you have great motivation to do daily tasks, while if you take it, you are motivated to do things in some time and feel utterly lazy at other times; when you are away from it completely, you can feel lively and alive ALL THE TIME, while if you have it, your heart beats fast and you feel "lively" during some hours, and then when you have it less or don't take it, you feel painfully sluggish. Also you have ability to deal with negative energy from things and people more.
Put in your body what's good and your mind will be clear, atop of refraining from taking full-of-choresteral-saturated-fat-hormones-bad-energy food. Yeah, I've believed lately that meat can cause spiritual downsides.
Caffeine asserts you the withdrawal symptoms when you suddenly stop taking it: I've had it quite many times: sluggishness, wanting to sleep all day, migraine - This indicates that caffeine is a drug. Any drug is bad for you, spiritually and physically, because you feel "good" for a some time, then when you don't have it, you are not happy, and want more of it. If you feel sleepy during the day, sleep and let your body rest, instead of stimulating yourself, but even you don't sleep, you still feel good! Try it and you will feel very happy.
Hunger for the taste of coffee and caffeinated tea? Think that other healthy drinks are just as tasty and think that the horrible negativities can't be accuses to have it anymore. Remind yourself that you are choosing peace or choosing to live in the world of pain for body and mind.
03 April 2014
To love is to be passionate
What is this word Love of which the meaning has been twisted forever?
It seems we never truly love someone eventhough we are intimated with someone physically, and also we never love other people or any living being.
Possession is not love. We cannot not possess anyone. The thinking that we can belong to someone is false. Nothing can be belonged to. They just exist there.
Love is not "seperative" between mine and yours (Does love mean loving one but not another?).
Love is not between two images, having images about someone. If it is so, we suffer when we loose someone because their images are no longer with us.
Love is not based on pleasures, if it is so, when we loose someone, we suffer because we instinctively feel that they no longer give pleasures to us.
Love being connected with the immeasurable energy, having mutual intense energy. Being connected with someone that way brings freedom from inner confinement and therefore generate the inner intense feeling of love that is cannot be described. It's a real freedom with no contamination of inner suffering and conflict.
Love is not possession, not seperative, not image-based and not based one pleasures, but rather a quality and energy of intense passion.
Also, love and compassion are the same. To love is to naturally care and to give without wanting anything for oneself.
When we love - and not the meaning of love that most people automatically feel or define - we are free and we are compassionate to all living beings. We can be with someone but we don't have to possess. We can have intimacy and at the same time love passionately.
It seems we never truly love someone eventhough we are intimated with someone physically, and also we never love other people or any living being.
Possession is not love. We cannot not possess anyone. The thinking that we can belong to someone is false. Nothing can be belonged to. They just exist there.
Love is not "seperative" between mine and yours (Does love mean loving one but not another?).
Love is not between two images, having images about someone. If it is so, we suffer when we loose someone because their images are no longer with us.
Love is not based on pleasures, if it is so, when we loose someone, we suffer because we instinctively feel that they no longer give pleasures to us.
Love being connected with the immeasurable energy, having mutual intense energy. Being connected with someone that way brings freedom from inner confinement and therefore generate the inner intense feeling of love that is cannot be described. It's a real freedom with no contamination of inner suffering and conflict.
Love is not possession, not seperative, not image-based and not based one pleasures, but rather a quality and energy of intense passion.
Also, love and compassion are the same. To love is to naturally care and to give without wanting anything for oneself.
When we love - and not the meaning of love that most people automatically feel or define - we are free and we are compassionate to all living beings. We can be with someone but we don't have to possess. We can have intimacy and at the same time love passionately.
real love,
true love,
09 March 2014
Not Spending Money is Not Self Control
They say we earn a lot of money to spend on things to answer our wants so that we are happy.
Eventhough we earn a lot of money, it doesn't make sense to spend on what we don't need.
Eventhough we earn a lot of money, our aim shouldn't be spending on what we don't need.
Because happiness doesn't depend on spending.
People who earn a lot of money say, "Then I won't have happiness, if I self-control myself like that."
But people on the opposite realm of life say, "Not spending eventhough you earn a lot is not about self control at all." Because their happiness doesn't depend on spending, they are happy when they don't spend, and they are sad when they spend with the much money they have. Because they find joy and happiness in realizing spending money unnecessarily costs a lot of burdens to the society and the environment. And because they find happiness and joy in other things that are not "things".
Eventhough we earn a lot of money, it doesn't make sense to spend on what we don't need.
Eventhough we earn a lot of money, our aim shouldn't be spending on what we don't need.
Because happiness doesn't depend on spending.
People who earn a lot of money say, "Then I won't have happiness, if I self-control myself like that."
But people on the opposite realm of life say, "Not spending eventhough you earn a lot is not about self control at all." Because their happiness doesn't depend on spending, they are happy when they don't spend, and they are sad when they spend with the much money they have. Because they find joy and happiness in realizing spending money unnecessarily costs a lot of burdens to the society and the environment. And because they find happiness and joy in other things that are not "things".
04 March 2014
Being Free or being Imprisoned in a Prison - You Choose
Which is better? You choose.
Being in a prison and not knowing you are in the (physical) prison. Suffering (psychologically) hysterically inside without knowing you are suffering...The suffering will only show up when things don't go your ways.
Being in the prison (mind prison) and fully realizing you are in the prison and so being free of it. However, you are imprisoned physically, so you suffer pain from being connected to everything but cannot break away and cannot liberate your fellow lives... But you in tune with the deeper realm of life, so you are joyous by having the purpose of doing something to liberate them, and with that realm of life, you can shake the thinking-too-much-of-others easily, so blissfulness is always with you.
Being in a prison and not knowing you are in the (physical) prison. Suffering (psychologically) hysterically inside without knowing you are suffering...The suffering will only show up when things don't go your ways.
Being in the prison (mind prison) and fully realizing you are in the prison and so being free of it. However, you are imprisoned physically, so you suffer pain from being connected to everything but cannot break away and cannot liberate your fellow lives... But you in tune with the deeper realm of life, so you are joyous by having the purpose of doing something to liberate them, and with that realm of life, you can shake the thinking-too-much-of-others easily, so blissfulness is always with you.
mental imprisonment,
mental prison,
new age,
26 February 2014
Doing things for selfish purpose and disregard the wider pictures
I am writing about doing things for ourselves (for selfish purpose) but disregard other lives (or disregard the wider pictures). I better start by giving you an example to make you understand more clearly. A friend said it's good you will find a trick to chase the dove trapper in front of your house away so that “you won't see the sad incident anymore”. Eventhough it is great and morally-just to chase them away, it seems just that people just do that to do not want to "see the sad incident". I'm not criticizing anyone, I'm just writing to express the philosophy behind it. It is like people would chase the dove trappers away because their "self" is disturbed, not because they feel compassionate for the living beings. Sadness when seeing that kind of incidents if coming from disturbed self is not compassion which frees your mind, but if that sadness comes from selfless love, then you are free from confinement of wanting to satisfy your "self".
Another example, besides not doing things for "self" like the above, is to have feeling for others without condition that they must satisfy you. For example, not wanting to live in some areas of a town. It's great to choose a nice area to live in but you don't disregard people who live in the bad parts of the town. Or take Hong Kong, I don't ever want to live in it but I don't want it to exist and I am feelingful for the people and animals who live in it too.
It's the same with not having children - People who don't have children because they can't afford to take care of them are out of touch. Opposite to people who won't ever procreate children for the benefits of the children themselves and the environment. It's the same with donating money to some social causes just to make yourself be comfortable that you have helped, rather than donating to the causes on which you have comprehensively did research and are aware with your real insight that they really solve the problems at their roots.
Another example, besides not doing things for "self" like the above, is to have feeling for others without condition that they must satisfy you. For example, not wanting to live in some areas of a town. It's great to choose a nice area to live in but you don't disregard people who live in the bad parts of the town. Or take Hong Kong, I don't ever want to live in it but I don't want it to exist and I am feelingful for the people and animals who live in it too.
It's the same with not having children - People who don't have children because they can't afford to take care of them are out of touch. Opposite to people who won't ever procreate children for the benefits of the children themselves and the environment. It's the same with donating money to some social causes just to make yourself be comfortable that you have helped, rather than donating to the causes on which you have comprehensively did research and are aware with your real insight that they really solve the problems at their roots.
19 February 2014
Positive Cynicism
Some people call some people cynical because they don't know what cynicism really means. Being cynical doesn't mean it is not good for your inner being - Being cynical can be really healthy and peaceful because you know you are cynic because you are one with love, compassion and truth radically in your heart. Cynicism in this sense differs from cynicism of being grumpy and being against the world (negatively criticizing and looking at the things). It means viewing the things in a new meaning...For example, you see a person buying a plastic good...One person who is buying it thinks nothing but subsconciously there is a voice saying "It is for my convenience of life and I am satisfied". Nothing more than that. The other person who is in need of buying it thinks (conciously), "I am in need to use it, I am not buying it unnecessarily, and I am realizing that eventhough I am buying it I am not buying without realizing that where plastic comes from and what bad it does cause".
This is what I mean buy "blissful cynicism". It's a positive vibrating energy, not the cynicism of wanting to end one's life because the world is too miserable because of humans' evilish conducts. Unfortunately, most people view these people as unhappy and having self-control that stresses them, but in actuality, being aware that comes from love for living beings, the environment, society and the world is an extreme positive energy.
This is what I mean buy "blissful cynicism". It's a positive vibrating energy, not the cynicism of wanting to end one's life because the world is too miserable because of humans' evilish conducts. Unfortunately, most people view these people as unhappy and having self-control that stresses them, but in actuality, being aware that comes from love for living beings, the environment, society and the world is an extreme positive energy.
29 January 2014
Everything is Wrong
By "everything is wrong" I mean EVERYTHING. I look around me - I'm typing on a plastic and metal and glass computer perched on a desk made from cut down trees and toxic paint. I sit in a building made of wood and bricks that were taken from the earth on a street made of poisonous asphalt that was laid over an ecosystem that had thrived for hundreds of thousands of years. I'm clothed in cotton that was saturated with pesticides while it grew and treated and dyed with toxic chemicals while it was being processed. All of my possessions were made hundreds or thousands of miles away and shipped in styrofoam and plastic wrap via gas burning engines and destructive road and air ways to me. My food, although organically grown and completely vegan, is shipped from where it was grown to my local store and is often packaged in paper, plastic, metal, and toxic inks. I know tons of people that eat meat, smoke cigarettes, drive cars, use drugs, etc., even though they know that these things will ultimately hurt the quality (and length) of their lives. I live in an apartment building where no one is on a first name basis. I know more about idiot actors in hollywood that I've never met than I do about the woman who lives next door to me (and is probably more interesting). While walking to work I inhale toxic exhaust from cars sitting in traffic. To make sure that eating 3 cans of oven cleaner will make you sick, or to make sure that pouring nail polish remover into your eyes will hurt you, we torture mice, rabbits, dogs, cats, etc. We use toxic chlorine bleach to keep our underpants white. We cut down the rainforests to drill for oil so that we can drive to the video store. Do you see what I mean? Everything really is wrong. Even the back to nature people still drive cars and use products made from materials ripped out of the earth. People struggle all of their lives doing work that they hate just to be a functioning member of a system that is wasteful, destructive and unhealthy.
What I advocate is this a sensible, pragmatic, and non-destructive approach towards existence, we need to re-evaluate our practices. Just as it doesn't make sense to hire an elevator operator to run an automatic elevator it doesn't make sense for billions of people to drive to work alone in their cars. It doesn't make sense to consume animal products. It doesn't make sense to use pesticides on agricultural products. It doesn't make sense to derive power from nuclear, coal, and petroleum when we have solar, hydro, and wind power. It doesn't make sense to maintain destructive systems just because people earn their livings from them. It doesn't make sense to pour billions of tons of toxic chemicals onto our lawns so that they'll look pretty and green. I could go on but you're probably either bored or overwhelmed by now. I advocate change; massive, massive change.
Basically we should stop doing these things that are destructive to the environment, other creatures, and ourselves and figure out new ways of existing.
- Moby
29 December 2013
What Never can be a Choice
It was true, it is true and it will always be true...that I think eating and consuming animal products are wrong. And it was true, it is true and it will always be true...that I will never be "militant" at or scold or force anyone to not do so. I always understand people that people have deeply-ingrained world view that is the most simple to change because the original love is in each and everyone of us but it is also most difficult to change because of society and the way our attitudes have been fundamentally embedded.
For that, eating animals and consuming animal products is a "choice". Though it should never be forced upon, it is Never a Choice. Suffering, torture, abuse, pain are not a choice. Being born, raised and die like a piece of disposable object is not a choice.
For that, eating animals and consuming animal products is a "choice". Though it should never be forced upon, it is Never a Choice. Suffering, torture, abuse, pain are not a choice. Being born, raised and die like a piece of disposable object is not a choice.
27 December 2013
That deep connection with no lovely someone
I was thinking, "What If..."What if a human being knows how to connect with lives around but can never meet the other human they are deeply-connected to be with? Talking everyday about the world we live in, having hugs with deep love connection, waking up everyday and find them by your side knowing Real love is flowering everyday. How about we compare us to other animals (Note: We are animals too - There are "human" and "nonhuman" animals).
Animals are jealous but we don't have to be jealous. Animals are cruel to each others but we don't have to be cruel. Animals are sexual but we don't have to be sexual (we are more sexual than them but we can be less or not at all - not at all means being sexually with no true meaning - Wait! I'm not meaning you have to be against sex. Sex can be a channel of pleasurable release if done without lust, and more importantly if you have sex with deep real love, you are free). These are a few examples of the comparison.
The point of comparison is this question...What are the things that human animal has that nonhuman animal doesn't have? I'm sure it's non-insecurity and deep-love connection to all lives.
So, to reflect my first paragraph, if we already have deep connection, do we have to attach to some particular one our whole life? My answer would be it is Wonderful to be with someone that we deeply connect with. However, it must be real "deep connection" (no false attachment because that is not deep connection which is love).
But if we can never ever be with that someone? Should we be in sorrow? I would be sad myself but if that deep connection is only physical touch that happens with spiritual love, then spiritually connecting with other people without the touch is the same. And being in in tune and having the same energy with the people who share your view of life with is one of the best presents you can ever have. I'm sure most of us are still sad without that true connection with someone particular, I am myself. But there is always the brighter side if you are in love with life and inner connection you have with all lives, especially if you have friends you have common spiritual views with. Look within.
Animals are jealous but we don't have to be jealous. Animals are cruel to each others but we don't have to be cruel. Animals are sexual but we don't have to be sexual (we are more sexual than them but we can be less or not at all - not at all means being sexually with no true meaning - Wait! I'm not meaning you have to be against sex. Sex can be a channel of pleasurable release if done without lust, and more importantly if you have sex with deep real love, you are free). These are a few examples of the comparison.
The point of comparison is this question...What are the things that human animal has that nonhuman animal doesn't have? I'm sure it's non-insecurity and deep-love connection to all lives.
So, to reflect my first paragraph, if we already have deep connection, do we have to attach to some particular one our whole life? My answer would be it is Wonderful to be with someone that we deeply connect with. However, it must be real "deep connection" (no false attachment because that is not deep connection which is love).
But if we can never ever be with that someone? Should we be in sorrow? I would be sad myself but if that deep connection is only physical touch that happens with spiritual love, then spiritually connecting with other people without the touch is the same. And being in in tune and having the same energy with the people who share your view of life with is one of the best presents you can ever have. I'm sure most of us are still sad without that true connection with someone particular, I am myself. But there is always the brighter side if you are in love with life and inner connection you have with all lives, especially if you have friends you have common spiritual views with. Look within.
inner peace,
real love,
true love,
08 September 2013
To love is to be passionate
What is this word Love of which the meaning has been twisted for ages?
Does love mean lustful sexuality and being belonged by and belonging someone?
We all feel we have to be possessed and possessing a person when the truth is that love is a beautiful positive energy rather than possession. And we all feel that "seperative love" between "mine" and "yours" (Does love mean loving one but not another?). For this, we can see that we never truly love that someone eventhough we are intimated with that someone physically and with false attachment, and also we never love other people or any living being because we possess and are seperative.
Love is love. Possession is not love. Possession means wanting someone and the things that we like about him/her for oneself, having images about him/her. Love is not between two images but is being connected with the immeasurable energy, having mutual intense energy. Being connected with someone that way brings freedom from inner confinement and therefore generate the inner intense feeling of love that cannot be described. It's a real freedom with no contamination of inner suffering and conflict.
When we do not love, we suffer from our attachment that they "belong to us" which is a false thing - Because nothing can be belonged to - They just exist there. And when we do not love, we suffer when we loose someone because we think that they are ours and we instinctively feel that they no longer give pleasures to us and that their images are no longer with us.
Love is not possession, but rather a quality and energy of intense passion.
Also, love and compassion are the same. To love is to naturally care and to give without wanting anything for oneself.
When we do not possess, we love, which is not the meaning of love that most people automatically feel or define. We can be with someone but we don't have to possess. We can have intimacy and at the same time love passionately.
Does love mean lustful sexuality and being belonged by and belonging someone?
We all feel we have to be possessed and possessing a person when the truth is that love is a beautiful positive energy rather than possession. And we all feel that "seperative love" between "mine" and "yours" (Does love mean loving one but not another?). For this, we can see that we never truly love that someone eventhough we are intimated with that someone physically and with false attachment, and also we never love other people or any living being because we possess and are seperative.
Love is love. Possession is not love. Possession means wanting someone and the things that we like about him/her for oneself, having images about him/her. Love is not between two images but is being connected with the immeasurable energy, having mutual intense energy. Being connected with someone that way brings freedom from inner confinement and therefore generate the inner intense feeling of love that cannot be described. It's a real freedom with no contamination of inner suffering and conflict.
When we do not love, we suffer from our attachment that they "belong to us" which is a false thing - Because nothing can be belonged to - They just exist there. And when we do not love, we suffer when we loose someone because we think that they are ours and we instinctively feel that they no longer give pleasures to us and that their images are no longer with us.
Love is not possession, but rather a quality and energy of intense passion.
Also, love and compassion are the same. To love is to naturally care and to give without wanting anything for oneself.
When we do not possess, we love, which is not the meaning of love that most people automatically feel or define. We can be with someone but we don't have to possess. We can have intimacy and at the same time love passionately.
higher truth,
love energy,
real love,
true love,
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